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The Scottish Care Inspectorate is the official regulator for care services in Scotland. If you are looking for care, if you think a family member needs support, or if you want to know what services are available for carers, find the information you need in the pages below. For services we haven't rated we use ticks and crosses to show whether we've asked them to take further action or taken enforcement action against them. Care Sourcer is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy, and we’ll only use your personal information to administer your account and to provide the products and services you requested from us. From time to time, we would like to contact you about our products and services, as well as other content that may be of interest to you.
At other times we offer an answer phone service so please leave a message and we'll call you back. The Home Services Directory on this website provides an opportunity to promote your services. Entries are completely free, and we’re happy to work with you to ensure your service are presented in a way you’re happy with. Our HousingCare PLUS and PREMIUM subscription services offer additional branding, links to your own site, ‘vacancy / availability ads’ and much more. Our site offers information and guidance that we hope will be of help to you. If you have a home to sell, you may be able to use the proceeds to pay the deposit on a new property and take out a ‘lifetime mortgage’ to cover the rest of the cost.
About quality of care
Think of them more like full-board hotel accommodation with 24 hour care available. Those run by private operators more often focus on lifestyle, with help and care services discretely available to buy if or when required. Both ownership and rental options are commonly available, as well as alternative ways of paying for the services on offer – including part deferring payment until a property is sold. We provide a high standard of care that is both professional and personalised to the needs of each resident. Thorough recruitment procedures were followed and appropriate pre-employment checks had been made including evidence of identity and satisfactory written references. Appropriate checks were also undertaken to ensure new staff were safe to work within the care sector.
EAC Advice is a free, specialist and independent telephone advice service provide by the charity Elderly Accommodation Counsel . As with hotels, the cost of living in a care home varies widely according to its location, the size of your room or suite, and the facilities on offer. There is often a substantial difference between fees charged to those who can afford the costs themselves and those who receive help from their Local Authority.
Care Quality Commission (CQC) rating
Accommodation, meals, and assistance with personal care and medication. TrustedCare offers free help & advice for people looking for care for themselves or a loved one. Our National Housing for Older People Awards celebrate examples of successful retirement housing and housing-with-care. If HOOP doesn't provide all the information you need, submit your HOOP session to us to arrange a conversation with an EAC Advisor.

Blyth Country House Care Home provides Nursing and Residential care. Sorry, we don't have prices for this care home - please contact the care home for more details. Medical care from a qualified nurse, and treatment for residents with illness or injuries. There are opportunities to pursue hobbies and to help with gardening. This home accommodates 30 residents in 22 single and 4 shared rooms . Our Housing Directory aims to include all housing schemes /developments in the UK that are intended for older people.
Blyth Country House Care Home
Every registered care provider in the UK can claim a free listing on Autumna. However, a paid subscription allows more information to be added and as a result a higher profile score. We think it’s important you have detailed, comprehensive information so that you can decide which care providers to shortlist. It includes all 11,500 registered care homes in the UK that cater exclusively or primarily for older people.
Autumna is the UK's largest and most comprehensive later-life living & elderly care directory. Our detailed search facility and team of expert advisors can help you find the best care homes, nursing homes, retirement homes, retirement villages, home care, and live-in care services for you or your loved one's needs. Our website is free to use, we are proudly independent, and we never take referral fees. The service is registered to provide accommodation and nursing care for up to 30 older people, with a range of medical and age related conditions, including arthritis, frailty, mobility issues, diabetes and dementia. On the day of our inspection there were 26 people living at the service.At our last inspection on 10 March 2015 the service was found to be fully compliant and was rated good in all areas. People received care and support from staff who were appropriately trained and confident to meet their individual needs.
Care provided
Getting older can make it more difficult to get around and do the things you used to do, or would like to do. If affording work to your home is an issue, Age UK’s factsheet Home improvements and repairs is a good read, as is OneFamily’s webpage How to fund home improvements. We are committed to keeping our staff up to date with changing procedure and legislation using a continuous staff training programme. All our staff are employed under a rigorous process which enables us to find the best candidates for the job. All our care staff have, or at least are working towards an NVQ Level 2 qualification in Health and Social Care. Likewise our catering staff all have NVQ Level 2 in catering and hospitality.

Additional facilities are also common – for example hairdressing salons, hobby rooms and gyms. Organised activities will focus on helping residents maintain their health and wellbeing. They inspect care services to ensure they are supporting peoples wellbeing; appropriately setup; properly planning out care; are well led; and effectively staffed, each criteria is given a grade out of 6. People were being supported to make decisions in their best interests.
Experiences are organised through routine weekly hairdressing, chiropody, and ad-hoc pamper sessions with manicures, hand massages and aroma therapies by professionally trained staff. Our beautiful views are set amongst mature trees and grounds in the picturesque village of Blyth in Nottinghamshire. – the service isn't performing as well as it should and we have told the service how it must improve.
Continuity of care is of utmost importance to us and our residents. We keep our staff happy and motivated to ensure that turnover is low by conducting regular appraisals. Blyth Country House is registered with the Quality Care Commission . To ensure that our high standard of care is maintained, an independent quality assurance system is in place. Meals are usually taken together and we provide a choice of home-cooked meals every day . We understand that choosing the right care home is a big decision and one that should be made with assistance from relatives and loved-ones.
They were able to access health, social and medical care, as required. There were opportunities for additional training specific to the needs of the service, such as diabetes management and the care of people with dementia. Staff received one-to-one supervision meetings with their line manager. Formal personal development plans, such as annual appraisals, were in place.
People knew how to make complaints, and the provider had a process to ensure action was taken where this was needed. People were encouraged and supported to express their views about their care and staff were responsive to their comments. Satisfaction questionnaires were used to obtain the views of people who lived in the home, their relatives and other stakeholders.
What people are saying about Blyth Country House Care Home
Some care homes are registered to provide personal care only, for example help with washing, dressing and giving medication. Others also provide nursing, and will have a nurse on duty twenty-four hours a day. The Care Quality Commission is the official regulator for the care sector. They inspect care homes and care services to make sure they are safe, caring, effective, responsive and well-led. Hanumaan Limited is registered to provide the following regulatory activities at Blyth Country House Care Home for up to 30 people. Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care, treatment of disease disorder or injury, and diagnostic and screening services.